90% of evaluators would both purchase the material and recommend it to coleagues.
70% of the evaluators would purchase this resin-modified glass ionomer restorative material.
62% of the evaluators would both purchase this material and recommend it to colleagues
70% of the evaluators would purchase this bulk fill restorative material and 80% would recommend it to colleagues.
70% of the evaluators would purchase this system and 80% would recommend it to colleagues
60% of the evaluators would both purchase this material and recommend it to colleagues
Full paper available on request. Two maximum scores were achieved by this material, which to date is unique for PREP Panel evaluations.
77% of the evaluators would purchase this material and 85% would recommend it to colleagues. Full published paper available on request
73% of the evaluators would both purchase this glass-ionomer material and recommend it to colleagues.
73% of the evaluators would both purchase this material and recommend it to colleagues
75% of the evaluators would both purchase the material and recommend it to colleagues
91% of the evaluators would purchase this nano-filled composite restorative material and also recommend it to colleagues
73% of the evaluators would purchase this material and 100% would recommend it to colleagues
That 75% of the evaluators would purchase this composite restorative material indicates the positive reception of Palifique Estelite paste by the evaluators.
All 100% of the evaluators would purchase this material
83% of the evaluators would purchase the material and 75% would recommend it to colleagues
Calibra was rated slightly higher by the evaluators for ease of use compared with their normally used resin-based luting system. The positive reception of the material is shown by all the evaluators stating they would recommend the Calibra system to colleagues.
91% of the evaluators would purchase this fluoride varnish system
67% of the evalutors would purchase this light-curing unit and 60% would recommend it to colleagues
75% of the evaljuators would purchase this capsulated retraction paste system
80% Of the evaluators woiuld purchase this post system
The OptraMatrix system consists of 6 different thinned matrix bands for use with a Tofflemire matrix retainer. Full publication paper available on request
OptraContact is a hand instrument to aid contact point formation in the placing of Class II composite restorations. Full publication paper available on request
The OptraSculpt instrument & tip system consists of 2 stainless steel/plastic sterilisable instruments for use with 6 different disposable tips to model composite restorative materials before curing. Full publication paper available on request
60% of the evaluators would purchase Ansell No Powder gloves if avalable at £54.00 per box.
75% of the evaluators would purchase this product and 83% would recommend it to colleagues
85% of the evaluators would recommend this auto-mix machine to colleagues
Evaluation scores were similar to the previously used impression material. Full paper available on request
64% of evaluators would bothe purchase the Position Tray set and the Position Penta Quick impression asystem
92% of evaluators would purchase this 2-bottle bonding system.
The Universal Bonding Agents have been considered to be a step forward in dentine bonding. The excellent reception of GC G-Premio Bond, which was clear from the high scores achieved and the fact that all of the evaluators would purchase the material if available at average cost, would appear to indicate that the bonding agent under evaluation in the current work is ready to join this group.
All 100% of the evaluators would purcahse this bonding system
45% of the evaluators would purchase this self-etching Bonding system