91% of the evaluators would purchase this fluoride varnish system
67% of the evalutors would purchase this light-curing unit and 60% would recommend it to colleagues
75% of the evaljuators would purchase this capsulated retraction paste system
80% Of the evaluators woiuld purchase this post system
The OptraMatrix system consists of 6 different thinned matrix bands for use with a Tofflemire matrix retainer. Full publication paper available on request
OptraContact is a hand instrument to aid contact point formation in the placing of Class II composite restorations. Full publication paper available on request
The OptraSculpt instrument & tip system consists of 2 stainless steel/plastic sterilisable instruments for use with 6 different disposable tips to model composite restorative materials before curing. Full publication paper available on request
60% of the evaluators would purchase Ansell No Powder gloves if avalable at £54.00 per box.